Landsklim allows you to make spatial interpolations from quantitative data, from the reading of the initial data to the statistical analyses and the spatial interpolation. The program has been developed at ThéMA Laboratory in Besançon and integrates the features of the LISDQS interpolation software written by Daniel Joly. The Lansklim plugin is available for download as a QGIS plugin. For further details:    
  This one-day workshop is dedicated to the analysis of documents of territorial planning. It will give the opportunity to analyse planning politics at several scales. Participants will explore several interpretative frameworks that were previously applied to different types of planning documents. Participants will also think about benefits and limits of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the morning, a round-table discussion will enable researchers to share their...
  Yohan Sahraoui will defend his accreditation to supervise research entitled: Hybrid landscapes. A critical and participatory modelling. The defence will take place on the 9th of January 2025 at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Centre Panthéon, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris.   The jury comprises: Xavier Arnauld de Sartre, Research director CNRS – Recorder Thierry Joliveau, Emeritus professor, University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne – Examiner Yves-François Le Lay,...
  The award has been attributed by the International Simulation and Gaming Association in October 12-13 2024. For the award president Paola Rizzi (DICEEA, Université of Aquila, and DADU University of Sassari, Italy) and her colleague Heide Lukosch (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) Solutré is “the “more accomplished game for urban and regional planning”. All details about the award are available at:...
  After a Ph.D. in population biology and ecology in the ThéMA laboratory (2017-2021), Paul Savary has been a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Biology of Concordia University in Montreal (Canada) from 2022 to 2024, under two different fellowships. He is starting a new position as an Assistant professor (Chaire de Professeur Junior) in ecology and spatial modelling at ThéMA. His research mainly focuses on species movements within spatial ecological networks. Lately, he has been...
  Louis Kalisky is taken on at ThéMA for seven months in the frame of the research project « rétroplanning » supervised by Thomas Buhler. Louis has received a master degree ADAUR in 2024 at the University of Franche-Comté.           Hugo Dalle also holds a master degree ADAUR. He is taken on for eight months in the frame of the research project FOREST’ADN funded by the regional council Bourgogne Franche-Comté and the Graduate School Transbio...
Melissa Poupelin is defending her thesis named : "Geoprospective and climate modelling of urban vegetation in a perspective of adaptation to heat waves: Dijon Métropole as a study case." This work was conducted under the supervision of Thomas Thévenin and Yves Richard, with the guidance of Julien Pergaud, within the ThéMA laboratory (UMR CNRS 6049, UFC-uB) and the research team at the Climate Research Center of the Biogeosciences laboratory (UMR CNRS 6282, uB) in Dijon. The defense will...
Julie Gravier studies long-term settlement dynamics. Two questions drive her research: why and how do settlement systems persist in the same places for extremely long periods of time? What is the political role of individuals and groups in perpetuating the social functioning and spatial organization of settlement systems? Her aim is to understand the ways in which societies inhabit the world, taking into account very long-term dynamics and the temporal shifts in certain decisions on other...
  The thesis prize 2024 of the French Complex Systems Society (CSS/France) awarded six young doctors among eighteen finalists. It was attributed during a colloquium organized by the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon, the 19-20th of September 2024. Hanae El Gouj’s thesis has also been selected by the French National University Council to compete for the thesis prize of the Comité National Français de Géographie (CNFG), which will be attributed during the International Geography Festival...
  The book was published in July 2024 by Wiley-ISTE. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the concepts and methods used in fractal analysis and modeling in order to study the spatial distribution of human settlements. The main concepts and mathematical tools are reviewed, and emphasis is placed on the practical benefits of their application and the pitfalls to be avoided when using them. The first part of the book is devoted to the basic concepts and geometric reference...