This one-day workshop is dedicated to the analysis of documents of territorial planning. It will give the opportunity to analyse planning politics at several scales. Participants will explore several interpretative frameworks that were previously applied to different types of planning documents. Participants will also think about benefits and limits of qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Annonce Dcrypter la planification2024

In the morning, a round-table discussion will enable researchers to share their methodologies to analyse planning documents: local urban design plans, local mobility plans, regional schemes for economic development, etc. Topics of the documents will be diverse: urban logistics (Laetitia Dablanc), mobility (Thomas Buhler, Jean Debrie), economic sector strategies (Thibaud Bages).

In the afternoon, Nicolas Lépy (Research Officer, ThéMA, Besançon) will present two sessions dedicated to the practical initiation to the use of TXM (a tool for automatic textual analysis of documents) and Yolo (an image analysis tool).

ThéMA's contact : Thomas Buhler

Register :…-3u5bv1c3