Territories, Actors, Mediation
The ‘Territories, Actors, Mediation’ research area offers a wide range of projects with the following points in common: (1) they focus on territories and the actors in these territories, and (2) they propose methodological approaches combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. These two invariants apply to a wide range of themes and research topics (energy, urban planning, the urban environment, social work, educational outlook, everyday mobility, etc.).
Head of research area : Thomas Buhler
National and international scientific networks
GIS HYBRIDA-IS : Réseau interdisciplinaire et international de recherches en intervention sociale / travail social
LTTE : Living Lab territorial pour la transition écologique
GDR MAGIS : animation de l’action prospective « Energie-Territoire-Information-Connaissance » jusque fin 2020.
Zone Atelier Arc Jurassien (ZAAJ)
International Institutional partners
Laboratoire de sociologie urbaine, EPFL Lausanne (Suisse)
Université de Fribourg (Suisse)
CREM : Centre de Recherche sur l'Energie de Martigny (Suisse)
HEIG-VD : Haute Ecole d'Ingenieurie et de Gestion du canton de Vaud (Suisse)
IFRA-Nigéria : Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique
Universitat Politècnica de València - centre valencien d'études de l'irrigation (Espagne)
National institutional partners
Conférence Transjurassienne CTJ
Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté
Private partners
The marginalization of their mountainous territories, by some states of the countries of the South, does it favor the emergence of protest movements or insurrectionary homes?
Thierry Amirault - Directed by Alexandre Moine
The metamorphosis of rural frameworks
Joseph Comperat - Directed by Alexandre Moine
Multi-scale analysis of planning cultures in Europe.
Léo Magnin-Hoffbeck- Directed by Thomas Buhler
Rebuild territory with landscape, to reinvest rural areas
Jérémy Roussel - Directed by Alexandre Moine