Bandeau IT

Territories, Actors, Mediation


The ‘Territories, Actors, Mediation’ research area offers a wide range of projects with the following points in common: (1) they focus on territories and the actors in these territories, and (2) they propose methodological approaches combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. These two invariants apply to a wide range of themes and research topics (energy, urban planning, the urban environment, social work, educational outlook, everyday mobility, etc.).

Head of research area : Thomas Buhler





National and international scientific networks

GIS HYBRIDA-IS : Réseau interdisciplinaire et international de recherches en intervention sociale / travail social

LTTE : Living Lab territorial pour la transition écologique

GDR MAGIS : animation de l’action prospective « Energie-Territoire-Information-Connaissance » jusque fin 2020.

Zone Atelier Arc Jurassien (ZAAJ)

International Institutional partners

Laboratoire de sociologie urbaine, EPFL Lausanne (Suisse)

Université de Fribourg (Suisse)

CREM : Centre de Recherche sur l'Energie de Martigny (Suisse)

HEIG-VD : Haute Ecole d'Ingenieurie et de Gestion du canton de Vaud (Suisse)

IFRA-Nigéria :  Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique

Maison Française d'Oxford

Universitat Politècnica de València - centre valencien d'études de l'irrigation (Espagne)

National institutional partners

Grand Besançon Métropole

Conférence Transjurassienne CTJ

Bordeaux Métropole

Ville de Besançon

Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Dijon Métropole


Private partners


IAD Territoire Digital


Forum Vies Mobiles


IRTS de Franche-Comté 

The marginalization of their mountainous territories, by some states of the countries of the South, does it favor the emergence of protest movements or insurrectionary homes?

Thierry Amirault - Directed by Alexandre Moine

The metamorphosis of rural frameworks

Joseph Comperat - Directed by Alexandre Moine

Multi-scale analysis of planning cultures in Europe

Léo Magnin-Hoffbeck- Directed by Thomas Buhler

Rebuild territory with landscape, to reinvest rural areas

Jérémy Roussel - Directed by Alexandre Moine

All the defended PhD thesis