

OFC - Comtois Forest Observatory

Logo observatoire forêtThe main objective of the Comtois Forest Observatory (OFC) is to study the resilience and capacity for adaptation of forests confronted with climate change. Combining the study of forest health with landscape ecology should provide new keys to understanding for professionals and decision-makers who have to reconcile forest management and climate change. The system currently comprises seven observation plots of around 5,000 m² each, spread across five massifs that are representative of forest diversity on a local and regional scale (i.e. stands, soil types, altitudinal levels, management methods). The species targeted are the common beech (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and common silver fir (Abies alba), all three of which represent major ecological, social and economic challenges for forests in Franche-Comté. This interdisciplinary observatory has been jointly run since 2024 by ThéMA, Chrono Environnement and Femto-ST.

 Contacts : Damien Marage, Sébastien Nageleisen, Eric Bernard et Xavier Girardet


OPTEER - Regional Scale Energy Observation for the Future

 logo opteer

Developed between 2005 and 2008, with the support of the ecological-transition agency ADEME, Franche-Comté Regional Council and Greater Dole Conurbation. Observations are now compiled and used by ATMO Franche-Comté (a member of the national network of accredited air quality monitoring associations), which provides data for the Territorial Climate Plans.

Contact : Anne Griffond-Boitier / Marie-Hélène De Sède-Marceau



ARC-AD - Regional decision-making support tool

logo ARCADThe INTERREG V ‘ARC-AD’ project, which stands for Aide à la décision pour l’aménagement transfrontalier de l’Arc Jurassien (Decision support for cross-border planning in the Jura Arc), proposes to develop an online territorial decision-support tool designed to better integrate and coordinate the cross-border effects of Swiss and French local planning projects.

Contact : Alexandre Moine