bandeau recherche IT syst soci spat



The Mediation area concerns research carried out with local actors, considered as research partners, with a view to intervention and proposals. The aim is to co-construct knowledge by producing interactions between different types of knowledge (academic, action-based, experiential, etc.).

Since 2010, the members of this area have been working with local actors. In recent years we have seen the emergence of projects that give these stakeholders a more central role in the systems, following a logic of knowledge interaction (sub-area 3 - Mediation). These stakeholders – residents, elected representatives or experts – are mobilized in projects using ad hoc participatory methodology. The TAM research area is looking to position itself openly in the development of such participatory research with a view to intervention and proposals.


Examples of projects: PREFIGS, Eole-BFC, POPSU Territoires Tournus, ANR InfraPatri, POPSU Bordeaux Métropole, Frugacité.


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