"Travail social et territoire : concept, méthode, outils " (EHESP, may 2015), a new book by Alexandre Moine and Nathalie Sorita, presents tools for analyzing and diagnosing social work, from a framework based on systems theory. More info, extracts and details...
"Déplacements urbains : sortir de l'orthodoxie" (PPUR, march 2015), a new book by Thomas Buhler, presents a new theoretical framework to better understand daily-life mobility practices and the limitation of modal change policies. More info, extracts and details at : http://www.ppur.org/produit/720/9782889151066/Deplacements%20urbains%20sortir%20de%20lorthodoxie
This R package was designed by François Sémécurbe (ThéMA) and Stéphane Roux (ENS, Lyon) based on a method proposed by Herwig Wendt, Stephane Roux, Stephane Ja ffard and Patrice Abry : Wavelet leaders and bootstrap for multifractal analysis of images. Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2009, 6 (89), pp. 1100-1114. Download the R package: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/wmlf/