The defense will take place at "Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon" (6 esplanade Erasme, 21000 DIJON). This work was co-directed by Thomas Thévenin and Nadège Martiny.   Defense jury BADARIOTTI Dominique, Professor at the University of Strasbourg JOSSELIN Didier, Research Director at the CNRS, ESPACE MARILLEAU Nicolas, Research Engineer at the IRD-UMMISCO, UPMC MARTINY Nadège, Associate Professor at the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté SANDERS Lena, Research Director...
The defense will take place at the Grand Salon, 18 rue Chifflet, Besançon down town. This work was co-directed by Serge Ormaux and Jacques Fontaine.
The defense will take place at the thesis room of the "Maison des Sciences de l’Homme" at the University of Burgundy, 14:30, 6 Esplanade Erasme at Dijon.
Marc Bourgeois is defending his PhD thesis "Ecological impacts of urban forms. Urban and landscape modelling." on December 11th 2015 in Besançon. The defense will take place at the Grand Salon, 18 rue Chifflet, Besançon down town. This work was co-directed by Jean-Christophe Foltête and Cécile Tannier.
The defense will take place at the salon Préclin, 18 rue Chifflet, University of Franche-Comté. This work was directed by Serge Ormaux.
The defense will take place at the salon Préclin, 18 rue Chifflet, University of Franche-Comté. This work was directed by Cécile Tannier, Philippe Gerber and Pierre Frankhauser.
The defense will take place at the salon Préclin, 18 rue Chifflet, University of Franche-Comté. This work was directed by Cécile Tannier and Pierre Frankhauser.