Olivier Bonin, researcher IFSTTAR at LVMT (Laboratoire Ville-Mobilité-Transport, Champs-sur-Marne), is defending his Accreditation to supervise research at the laboratory ThéMA.


The defense will take place on may the 27th at 2 pm, at the " Grand Salon" (18, rue Chifflet, UFR SLHS).


Olivier Bonin


Geography has since antiquity used cartography to describe the shape of the Earth and its population. Indeed, cartography is an analogical model of the world particularly suited to the description of shapes, spatial arrangements and spatial relationships, i.e. information of a qualitative nature, the meaning of which emerges when reading maps. The theoretical and quantitative turn in geography has seen the development of many formal and numerical modelling approaches in which, paradoxically, it is more difficult to integrate the question of the meaning of space in human activities. In this work, I propose a formal modelling framework aimed at clarifying the meaning of space. Through a phenomenological approach, I identify the different forms of perception of individuals and human communities, in order to propose general principles that are then mathematized by techniques from the sciences of complexity. Three models related to urban morphogenesis illustrate different facets of this general modelling framework aimed at giving meaning to space.



Defense jury

Alessandro Sarti, Director of Research at EHESS and joint to Collège de France

Gabriel Dupuy, Emeritus Professor at the University Paris I -

Jean-Philippe Antoni, Professor at the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté – TheMA

Geoffrey Caruso, Professor at the University of Luxembourg

Cyrille Bertelle, Professor at the University Le Havre – LITIS

Pierre Frankhauser, Emeritus Professor at the University of Franche Comté - ThéMA


Personal homepage : http://www.lvmt.fr/equipe/olivier-bonin/