The defense will take place in Champs-sur-Marne at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (salle B203) on april the 1rst.


This work was directed by Alain L'Hostis and Pierre Frankhauser.
Funding : Ecole des ponts ParisTech-ENPC / Efficacity-Institut de Recherche & Développement pour la Transition Énergétique de la Ville.


Defense jury :

  • Alain L'HOSTIS, Senior researcher, University of Gustave Eiffel
  • Pierre FRANKHAUSER, Emeritus professor, University of Franche-Comté
  • Olivier BONIN, Senior researcher, University of Gustave Eiffel
  • Cristina PRONELLO, Professor Polytechnic of Turin
  • Giovanni FUSCO, Director of Research, University of Côte dʹAzur
  • Cécile TANNIER, Director of Research, CNRS, University of Franche-Comté
  • Morgane COLOMBERT, PhD and ingenior, EFFICACITY



Today, the question of energy production and consumption is one of the main points of the sustainable development. However, there is no real reflection about the way to develop energy solutions which can have a high efficiency during and at the end of urban development. The present work wants to conceive urban planning scenarios taking into account urban development evolution and energy network. To answer, a modelling approach is going to be used integrating in particular the concept of fractal. This study is going to be realized on the Est-Ensemble territory.


You will also be able to attend the defense by videoconference : - ID de réunion : 821 0321 9027. Mot de passe : Bh6utBNb


Annonce soutenance Maud Haffner BD topo 2