Journal articles
- auteur
- Nicolas Retière, Yousra Sidqi, Pierre Frankhauser
- titre
- A steady-state analysis of distribution networks by diffusion-limited-aggregation and multifractal geometry
- article
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 600, pp.127552. ⟨10.1016/j.physa.2022.127552⟩
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- auteur
- Marielle Berriet-Solliec, Dany Lapostolle, Denis Lépicier, Gaëtan Mangin, Abdelhak El Mostain
- titre
- Rethinking Rural Development at the Village Level “The Villages of the Future” in France (Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region)
- article
- World, 2022, 3 (1), pp.69-86. ⟨10.3390/world3010004⟩
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- auteur
- Seyed Mahdi Heshmatol Vaezin, Damien Marage, Serge Garcia
- titre
- Cost-effectiveness of Natura 2000 forest contracts for biodiversity conservation
- article
- Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2022, 52 (12), pp.1527-1542. ⟨10.1139/cjfr-2021-0204⟩
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- auteur
- Anne Griffond-Boitier, Jérôme Valentin-Léautaud, Sophie Mariani-Rousset
- titre
- The interest of pictograms to render the socio-cognitive representation of residential space
- article
- M@ppemonde, 2022, 134, 10.4000/mappemonde.7890
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- auteur
- Damien Roy
- titre
- La SandBox, outil dynamique au service de la représentation spatiale dans l’apprentissage de la géographie.
- article
- M@ppemonde, 2022, 134, 10.4000/mappemonde.7890
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- auteur
- Sima Saadi, Jean-Philippe Antoni, Hossein Karimzadeh, Seyed Ali Badri, Moshen Aghayarihir
- titre
- Determining the proportions of the ecovillage based on the resident's preferences in relation to the geographical location in France
- article
- Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, pp.104226. ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2022.104226⟩
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- auteur
- Daniel Joly, Yves Richard
- titre
- Temperature inversions in France – Part B: Spatial variations
- article
- Climatologie, 2022, 19, pp.5. ⟨10.1051/climat/202219005⟩
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- auteur
- Daniel Joly, Yves Richard
- titre
- Temperature inversions in France – Part A: time variations
- article
- Climatologie, 2022, 19, pp.4. ⟨10.1051/climat/202219004⟩
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- auteur
- Alex Roy, Dany Lapostolle
- titre
- Acting under strong ecological constraints. Survey on territorial meshing processes in Burgundy-Franche-Comté
- article
- Norois. Environnement, aménagement, société, 2022, Les trajectoires locales de transition socio-écologique : une perspective par l’opérateur territorial, 264-265, pp.103-121. ⟨10.4000/norois.12812⟩
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- auteur
- Marc Bourgeois, Yohan Sahraoui, Judicaelle Dietrich
- titre
- The contributions of socio-environmental information maps in an environmental mobilisation: the case of a fight against a highway project in France
- article
- Local Environment, 2022, 27 (9), pp.1102-1121. ⟨10.1080/13549839.2022.2100881⟩
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- auteur
- Samuel Carpentier-Postel, Philippe Gerber, Emma Guyon, Olivier Klein
- titre
- Changes in residential satisfaction after relocation: The effects of commuting. A case study of luxembourg cross-border workers
- article
- Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022, 10 (3), pp.1754-1766. ⟨10.1016/j.cstp.2022.07.006⟩
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- auteur
- Damien Marage, Anne Jégou
- titre
- Toward a geography of relationality: rethinking urban solidarity with the others-than-humans
- article
- Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, 2022, 99 (3), pp.386-399. ⟨10.4000/bagf.9829⟩
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- auteur
- David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, Giovanni Sarti, Duccio Bertoni, Marco Marchesini, Veronica Rossi, Anna Lena, Alexandra Bivolaru, Majid Pourkerman, Matteo Vacchi, Rachid Cheddadi, Thierry Otto, Frédéric Luce, Daniela Cottica, Christophe Morhange
- titre
- Northern Adriatic environmental changes since 500 AD reconstructed at Aquileia (Italy)
- article
- Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022, 287, pp.107565. ⟨10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107565⟩
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- auteur
- Matteo Vacchi, Guilia Gatti, Benjamin Kulling, Christophe Morhange, Nick Marriner
- titre
- Climatic control on the formation of marine-notches in microtidal settings: New data from the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
- article
- Marine Geology, 2022, 453, pp.106929. ⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106929⟩
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- auteur
- Hader Sheisha, David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, Morteza Djamali, Gamal Younes, Zhongyuan Chen, Gad El-Qady, Amr Saleem, Alain Véron, Christophe Morhange
- titre
- Nile waterscapes facilitated the construction of the Giza pyramids during the 3rd millennium BCE
- article
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119 (37), pp.e2202530119. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2202530119⟩
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- auteur
- Nick Marriner, David Kaniewski, Emmanuel Garnier, Majid Pourkerman, Matthieu Giaime, Matteo Vacchi, Christophe Morhange
- titre
- Has the Anthropocene affected the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones? Evidence from Mascarene Islands historical records (southwestern Indian Ocean)
- article
- Global and Planetary Change, 2022, 217, ⟨10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103933⟩
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- auteur
- Nick Marriner, David Kaniewski, Majid Pourkerman, Benoît Devillers
- titre
- Anthropocene tipping point reverses long-term Holocene cooling of the Mediterranean Sea
- article
- Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 227, pp.103986. ⟨10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.103986⟩
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- auteur
- Esteban Bopp, Johnny Douvinet
- titre
- Alerting people prioritising territories over technologies. A design framework for local decision makers in France
- article
- Applied Geography, 2022, 146, pp.102769. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102769⟩
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- auteur
- Johnny Douvinet, Camille Cavalière, Esteban Bopp, Karine Weiss, Karine Emsellen, Béatrice Gisclard, Gilles Martin, Matthieu Coulon
- titre
- Testing the public’s response to receiving alert notifications on mobile phones in France: challenges and prospects
- article
- Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, 2022, pp.1029. ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.39454⟩
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- auteur
- Marina Gasnier, Christian Guinchard, Nathalie Kroichvili, Cyril Masselot, Alexandre Moine, Laure Nuninger, Nastasya Winckel
- titre
- Territorial revitalization: a key milestone toward a shared concept
- article
- Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, 2022, Espace, Société, Territoires, ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.38404⟩
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- auteur
- Anne Griffond-Boitier, Sophie Mariani-Rousset, Thierry Ramadier
- titre
- Quand la recherche saisit les représentations socio-cognitives de l’espace géographique
- article
- M@ppemonde, 2022, 134, ⟨10.4000/mappemonde.7948⟩
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- auteur
- Dany Lapostolle, Alex Roy
- titre
- Swarming : An Investigation Practice Supporting a Bottom-up Ecological Transition
- article
- Développement durable et territoires, 2022, 13 (1), ⟨10.4000/developpementdurable.20598⟩
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- auteur
- Janka Lengyel, S G Roux, P Abry, François Sémécurbe, S Jaffard
- titre
- Local multifractality in urban systems—the case study of housing prices in the greater Paris region
- article
- Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2022, 3, pp.045005. ⟨10.1088/2632-072x/ac9772⟩
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- auteur
- Arthur Fauviau, Mathilde Baude, Nicolas Bazin, William Fiordaliso, Alessandro Fisogni, Laura Fortel, Joseph Garrigue, Benoît Geslin, Jérémie Goulnik, Laurent Guilbaud, Nina Hautekèete, Charlène Heiniger, Michael Kuhlmann, Olivier Lambert, Dominique Langlois, Violette Le Féon, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Grégory Maillet, François Massol, Nadia Michel, Alice Michelot-Antalik, Denis Michez, Hugues Mouret, Yves Piquot, Simon G. Potts, Stuart Roberts, Lise Ropars, Lucie Schurr, Colin van Reeth, Irène Villalta, Vincent Zaninotto, Isabelle Dajoz, Mickael Henry
- titre
- A large-scale dataset reveals taxonomic and functional specificities of wild bee communities in urban habitats of Western Europe
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.18866. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-21512-w⟩
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- auteur
- Janka Lengyel, Stéphane Roux, François Sémécurbe, Stéphane Jaffard, Patrice Abry
- titre
- Roughness and intermittency within metropolitan regions - Application in three French conurbations
- article
- Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022, 50 (3), pp.239980832211161. ⟨10.1177/23998083221116120⟩
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- auteur
- Paul Savary, Jean-Christophe Foltête, Hervé Moal, Stéphane Garnier
- titre
- Combining landscape and genetic graphs to address key issues in landscape genetics.
- article
- Landscape Ecology, 2022, 37 (9), pp.2293-2309. ⟨10.1007/s10980-022-01489-7⟩
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- auteur
- Maxime Colomb, Cécile Tannier, Julien Perret, Paul Chapron, Mickaël Brasebin
- titre
- Parcel Manager: a parcel reshaping model incorporating design rules of residential development
- article
- Transactions in GIS, 2022, 26 (6), pp.2558-2597. ⟨10.1111/tgis.12970⟩
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- auteur
- Thilo Heinken, Martin Diekmann, Jaan Liira, Anna Orczewska, Marcus Schmidt, Jörg Brunet, Milan Chytrý, Olivier Chabrerie, Guillaume Decocq, Pieter de Frenne, Pavel Dřevojan, Zbigniew Dzwonko, Jörg Ewald, Jon Feilberg, Bente Jessen Graae, John‐arvid Grytnes, Martin Hermy, Wolf‐ulrich Kriebitzsch, Māris Laiviņš, Jonathan Roger Michel Henri Lenoir, Sigrid Lindmo, Damien Marage, Vitas Marozas, Thomas Niemeyer, Jaanus Paal, Petr Pyšek, Elle Roosaluste, Jiří Sádlo, Joop Schaminée, Torbjörn Tyler, Kris Verheyen, Monika Wulf, Thomas Vanneste
- titre
- The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications
- article
- Journal of Vegetation Science, 2022, 33 (3), pp.e13132. ⟨10.1111/jvs.13132⟩
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- auteur
- Benjamin Motte-Baumvol, Leslie Belton Chevallier, Olivier Bonin
- titre
- Does e-grocery shopping reduce CO 2 emissions for working couples’ travel in England?
- article
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2022, 17 (5), pp.515-526. ⟨10.1080/15568318.2022.2074326⟩
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- auteur
- Majid Pourkerman, Nick Marriner, Mohammad-Ali Hamzeh, Hamid Lahijani, Christophe Morhange, Sedigheh Amjadi, Matteo Vacchi, Mehran Maghsoudi, Majid Shah-Hosseini, Mohammad Afarin
- titre
- Socioeconomic impacts of environmental risks in the western Makran zone (Chabahar, Iran)
- article
- Natural Hazards, 2022, 71, ⟨10.1007/s11069-022-05230-0⟩
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- auteur
- Hanae El Gouj, Christian Rincón-Acosta, Claire Lagesse
- titre
- Urban morphogenesis analysis based on geohistorical road data
- article
- Applied Network Science, 2022, 7, pp.6 (2022). ⟨10.1007/s41109-021-00440-0⟩
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- auteur
- Paul Savary, Jean-Christophe Foltête, Maarten J van Strien, Hervé Moal, Gilles Vuidel, Stéphane Garnier
- titre
- Assessing the influence of the amount of reachable habitat on genetic structure using landscape and genetic graphs
- article
- Heredity, 2022, 128, pp.120-131. ⟨10.1038/s41437-021-00495-w⟩
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- auteur
- Paul Savary, Jean-Christophe Foltête, Stéphane Garnier
- titre
- Cost distances and least cost paths respond differently to cost scenario variations: a sensitivity analysis of ecological connectivity modeling
- article
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2022, 36 (8), pp.1652-1676. ⟨10.1080/13658816.2021.2014852⟩
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- auteur
- Eugênia Viana Cerqueira, Benjamin Motte-Baumvol
- titre
- Flexible work arrangements and household-related journeys. Who takes the lead in dual-earner heterosexual couples?
- article
- Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022, 26, pp.240-249. ⟨10.1016/j.tbs.2021.11.003⟩
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Book sections
- auteur
- Charles de Godoy Leski, Yohan Sahraoui
- titre
- Des trajectoires métropolitaines pour une gouvernance anticipative de la biodiversité urbaine - Chapitre 9
- article
- Denis Salles; Glenn Mainguy; Charles de Godoy Leski. Métropoles estuariennes. Anticipations des changements globaux, Iste Editions, pp.177-193, 2022, 9781784059064
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- auteur
- Damien Marage
- titre
- Baselines and French Forests
- article
- Laurent Godet; Simon Dufour; Anne-Julia Rollet. The Baseline Concept in Biodiversity Conservation - Being Nostalgic or Not in the Anthropocene Era, ISTE; Wiley, pp.165-180, 2022, 9781786308887
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- auteur
- Damien Marage, Catherine Fruchart, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Olivier Girardclos, Vincent Balland, Guillaume Decocq
- titre
- Towards a Methodological Framework for Investigating the Hidden History of Woodland Covers
- article
- Guillaume Decocq. Historical Ecology: Learning from the Past to Understand the Present and Forecast the Future of Ecosystems, Wiley, Iste, pp.135-149, 2022, 9781789450903. ⟨10.1002/9781394169764.ch11⟩
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- auteur
- Samuel Carpentier-Postel
- titre
- Trajectoires résidentielles et modes d’habiter : un panorama en France et en Europe
- article
- Guillaume Drevon; Vincent Kaufmann. Échelles spatiales et temporelles de la mobilité, ISTE Groupe, pp.115-139, 2022, 9781789480641
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- auteur
- Thomas Buhler
- titre
- Adult Beginner Cyclists in French Cities (Chapter 6)
- article
- Mathieu Adam; Nathalie Ortar. Becoming Urban Cyclists: From Socialization to Skills, University of Chester Press books, 2022, 978-1-910481-17-2
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- auteur
- Florence Nicolè, Damien Marage, Guy Lempérière, Jorge Paulo Cancela de Fonseca
- titre
- Guide pratique de biostatistique
- article
- De Boeck Supérieur, 2022, 9782807331679
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