Trained in geography and town planning, I studied and worked for 13 years in the UK. Since 2003, I've been a lecturer in English and British Area Studies at the University of Franche-Comté in the Department of Applied Foreign Languages and member of the "Territorial Intelligence" team in ThéMA.
1985-1988, BA, Jesus College, Oxford, Royaume-Uni (upper second) Géographie
1988-1990, MCD (Master of Civic Design), Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Royaume-Uni - Urbanisme et Aménagement du Territoire
1993-1999, PhD, School of Planning, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, Royaume-Uni
Sept 2003 - , Maître de Conférences, Anglais - Dept Langues étrangères appliquées de l’UFR-SLHS Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France. Membre du laboratoire ThéMA, UMR 6049 depuis 2006.
Sept 1995 – Août 2003, Lecturer/Enseignant-chercheur, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, Royaume-Uni
Jan 1993 - Août 1995, Post Graduate Teaching Assistant (ATER et étudiant doctoral), School of Planning, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, Royaume-Uni
Jan 1991 - Déc 1992, Planning Officer (Chargé d'Etudes) Lancashire County Council, Preston, Royaume-Uni
Principally, my research concerns the study of spatial planning systems and policies in Britain and France.
I am a member of the Franco-British urban planning study group / the French and British Planning Study Group - Thematic Group of the Associaion of European Planning Schools (AESOP)
I am particularly interested in the interaction between policy processes and the methods of quantitative analysis and modelling.