I study long-term settlement dynamics. Two questions drive my research: why and how do settlement systems persist in the same places for extremely long periods of time? What is the political role of individuals and groups in perpetuating the social functioning and spatial organization of settlement systems? My aim is to understand the ways in which societies inhabit the world, taking into account very long-term dynamics and the temporal shifts in certain decisions on other processes. To achieve this, I study a wide range of chronological and cultural cases, mainly on local to macro-regional scales.
2018 | PhD in Geography, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
2012 | MA in Archaeology, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
2010 | BA in History, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
2010 | BA in History of Art and Archaeology, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne
2024-... | Permanent Researcher at CNRS, ThéMA laboratory
2022-2023 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Center for Social Analysis and Mathematics (CNRS UMR 8557 CAMS), Center for Historical Studies (CNRS UMR 8558 CRH), French National Agency for Research, SoDUCo Project - 23 months
2020-2021 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Archaïos - Archaeology, Culture and Heritage Company, AlUla Cultural Oasis Project (FR/KSA) - 14.5 months
2019-2020 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Territorial and Spatial Dynamics Laboratory of Excellence, University of Paris 1, Géographie-cités laboratory (CNRS UMR 8504) - 13 months
2019 | Design Engineer, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), France-Japan Fondation - 3 months
2018-2019 | Lecturer, CY Cergy University, Department of Geography - 12 months
2018-2019 | Lecturer, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Department of Geography and Planning - 12 months
2014-2017 | Temporary Teaching Assistant, University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, Department of Geography and Planning, Deparment of Archaeology
2013-2014 | Design Engineer, CNRS, French National Agency for Research, TransMonDyn Project - 13 months
2019 | Geography Thesis Prize of the GDR CNRS MAGIS (Methods and Applications for Geomatics and Spatial Information)
2014-2016 | Elected representative of PhD students at UMR Géographie-cités
- Contribution to 4 national and international research programs since 2012, currently including Al-Ula Cultural Oasis Project (UCOP) and Kobuk Spatial Archaeology Project (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs)
- Contribution to a dozen research networks, including current co-piloting of CAA-FR (French chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology), Archéologie du fait urbain and SITRADA
- Regular organization of conference sessions (ECTQG, CIST, EAUH, GMPCA) and workshops (10) since 2018
- Currently co-director of Rzine journal and editorial board member of Cybergeo journal
- Regular presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars (85+, including 27 guest lectures)
- Co-supervision of one PhD and four MA theses since 2018
- Supervision of three internships and five engineers (8- to 14-month fixed-term contracts) since 2018
- Participation in continuing education for PhD students and permanent and non-permanent ESR staff in spatial RDBMS and R data processing, including participation in/organization of 3 summer schools and 4 professional training courses
Paper in journals
Gravier, Julie, et Marc Barthelemy. « A typology of activities over a century of urban growth ». Nature Cities 1, no 9, septembre 2024, 567‑575. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44284-024-00108-7. <hal-04691067>
Defauconpret, Arthur, Julie Gravier, Julien Charbonnier, Gaël Gourret, Anne Leschallier de Lisle, Salomé Sepeau, et Yasmin Kanhoush. « Geolocation of Old Photographs and Rephotography in the Field: Contribution to a New Understanding of the al-ʿŪla Oasis in the Early 20th Century a.d. » Journal of Field Archaeology, septembre 2024, 1‑21. https://doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2024.2391641.
Plumejeaud-Perreau, Christine, Lucie Nahassia, et Julie Gravier. « Appréhender le changement des catégories pour l’étude d’une dynamique spatiale sur le temps long ». Revue Internationale de Géomatique 31, Ontologies et dynamiques spatiales. Complémentarité des approches symboliques et numériques, no 1‑2, janvier 2022, 47‑80. https://doi.org/10.3166/rig31.47-80.
Book chapter
Rey-Coyrehourcq, Sébastien, Robin Cura, Laure Nuninger, Julie Gravier, Lucie Nahassia, et Ryma Hachi. « Chapter 15: Towards reproducible research in an interdisciplinary framework: issues and propositions regarding the transfer of the conceptual framework and the replication of models ». In Settling the World : From Prehistory to the Metropolis Era, édité par Lena Sanders. Perspectives Villes et Territoires. Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2021. http://books.openedition.org/pufr/20002.
See all publications by theme: https://jgravier.github.io/infos/publications/