Jean-Christophe FOLTETE
Jean-Christophe Foltête is a professor of geography at the University of Franche-Comté. He specialises in the analysis of landscape structures, both their cultural (visibility and spatial amenities) and natural (landscape ecology) dimensions. His work is for the main on:
- modelling ecological networks
- the linkages between territorial planning, agro-ecological devices and the conservation of biodiversity
- the evaluation of the landscape component of living environment
- modelling visible landscape
- Research supervision accreditation in 2006
- PhD in 1998
- Professor at Franche-Comté University since 2007
- Lecturer at Franche-Comté University from 1998 to 2007
- Temporary teaching and research staff at Franche-Comté University from 1997 to 1998
PREDIT award in October 2013 for the GRAPHAB program
- Director of UMR ThéMA since January 2012
- Member of National Commitee for Scientific Research (CoNRS section 39) from 2016
- Deputy director of Maison des Sciences de l'Homme et de l'Envrionnement (MSHE) 'Claude-Nicolas Ledoux', USR 3124, from 2013 to 2015
- Head of 'Environment, resources and landscapes' centre of MSHE Ledoux from 2009 to 2015
- Member of LETS doctoral school executive committee from 2013 to 2016
- Leadership of current scientific programmes: VisoScape
- Leadership of completed scientific programmes: GRAPHAB2, CAMPAGRAPHE, Landscape dynamics and ecological potential of the Franche-Comté regionRhino-URB, Landscape and biodiversity in Franche-Comté, GRAPHAB1, Urban structures, transport provision and mobility behaviour
- Thesis supervision: one current, six completed
- Member of eight thesis committees
- Guest member on twelve thesis and accreditation examining panels
- Reviewer of articles for the journals: Applied Geography, Landscape and Urban Planning, Landscape Ecology, Land Use Policy, Ecological Indicators, Ecography, Journal of Environmental Management, Biological Conservation, Conservation Biology, Ecological Modelling, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Cybergéo, Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine
Sahraoui Y., Clauzel C., Foltête J.C., 2021. A metrics-based approach for modeling covariation of visual and ecological landscape qualities. Ecological Indicators 123: 107331.
Foltête J.C., Ingensand J., Blanc N. 2020. Coupling crowd-sourced imagery and visibility modelling to identify landscape preferences at the panorama level. Landscape and Urban Planning 197: 103756.
Foltête J.C, Savary P., Clauzel C., Bourgeois M., Girardet X., Sahraoui Y., Vuidel G., Garnier S., 2020. Coupling landscape graph modeling and biological data: A review. Landscape Ecology 35: 1035-1052.
Foltête J.C., 2019. How ecological networks could benefit from landscape graphs: a response to the paper by Spartaco Gippoliti and Corrado Battisti. Land Use Policy 80: 391-394
Sahraoui Y., Vuidel G., Joly D., Foltête J.C., 2018. Integrated GIS software for computing landscape visibility metrics. Transactions in GIS 22: 1310-1323.
Foltête J.C., Vuidel G., 2017. Using landscape graphs to delineate ecologically functional areas. Landscape Ecology 32: 249-263.
Foltête J.C., Couval G., Fontanier M., Vuidel G., Giraudoux P., 2016. A graph-based approach to defend agro-ecological systems against water vole outbreaks. Ecological Indicators 71: 87-98.
Foltête J.C., Litot J.B., 2015. Scenic postcards as objects for spatial analysis of tourist regions. Tourism Management 49: 17-28.
Foltête J.C., Girardet X., Clauzel C., 2014. A methodological framework for the use of landscape graphs in land-use planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 124: 140-150.
Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Vuidel G., 2012. A software tool dedicated to the modelling of landscape networks. Environmental Modelling and Software, 38: 316-327.
Foltête J.C., Piombini A., 2007. Urban layout, landscape features and pedestrian usage. Landscape and Urban Planning 81: 225-234.