PhD in landscape studies and territorial planning. Currently an ATER at the University of Franche-Comté, I specialise in sustainable rural and community development, spatial planning, development strategies and territorial policies. My research focuses mainly on:
- Territorial dynamics and mountain landscapes
- Cross-border territories and public planning policies
- Biodiversity in urban and peri-urban planning strategies
- Peri-urban agriculture, biodiversity and links with regional planning
- Ecotourism as a pillar of regional development
2008. Undergraduate degree in life and earth sciences
2010. Master's degree in life and earth sciences
2013. Research Master in Landscape, Territory and Heritage
2017. PhD in landscape studies and territorial planning
2014 -- 2017 : Temporary lecturer and researcher, University of Sousse, Tunisia.
2017 -- 2023 : Contractual lecturer, University of Sousse and University of Kairouan, Tunisia.
2023 / 2024 : ATER, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale
2024 /2025 : ATER, University of Franche Comté
The research explores the issues involved in planning cross-border spaces, which are often perceived as difficult to manage and poorly organised. It uses landscape instrumentalisation to integrate various aspects such as the material and symbolic dimensions, nature, local culture and the peasantry. The study focuses on the high alfa steppes region, located between the Tunisian ridge and the Tébessa mountains in Algeria.
The thesis examines the interactions between nature, landscape representations, social practices and the construction of a cross-border dynamic with a view to sustainable development. It highlights the eco-landscape determinants and the role of public and local players in transforming this area into a functional cross-border territory, focused on quality of life and development alternatives.
The approach adopted comprises four stages:
Diagnosis and spatial characterisation of the study area.
Identification and analysis of differentiated landscape units.
Eco-landscape audit based on the richness of the flora and spatio-temporal dynamics.
Humanisation of the site through landscape geomediation supported by socio-economic surveys of local and cross-border populations.
The results reveal the environmental complexity and climatic constraints of these vulnerable areas. The eco-landscape approach made it possible to classify and assess the landscapes in terms of sensitivity and resilience. The wealth of flora observed is linked to climatic cycles, while the interviews highlight a shared desire to manage these areas better and make them strategic zones for cross-border development.
- 2018 : Postdoctoral fellowship laureate in the ‘Eugen-Unescu’ postdoctoral fellowships programme at the ‘Ion-Mincu’ University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest. Romania.
- 2016: Research grant, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie: Doctoral research internship in thesis co-direction - International cooperation. Univrsity of Montreal, Canada.
- 2015 : Research grant, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie: Doctoral research internship in thesis co-direction - International cooperation.Univrsity of Montreal, Canada.
- 2014: Excellence scholarship, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research: Doctoral research internship in thesis co-direction - International Cooperation, Univrsity of Montreal, Canada.
2022. Member of the organising committee for the ‘Paysages en action’ conference, ‘Paysages et Géo médiation des Milieux’ ISA CM research group, HPE research unit.
2020. Member of the organising committee of the inter-university day ‘Landscapes and territorial issues’. UR ‘HPE’, UR2013AGR06 in collaboration with the International Relations Department - Partnerships and International Mobilities, Agro campus d'Angers.
2019. Member of the organising committee of the conference ‘Governance and labelling of territorial resources
in the face of environmental fragility’. ISPT Tabarka, in partnership with the UR ‘HPE’. University of Carthage & University of Sousse, Tunisia.
2018. Member of the editorial committee.Transdisciplinary scientific book with international reading committee. Research Unit ‘Horticulture, Landscape, Environment’ UR2013AGR06ISA-IRESA-University of Sousse, & Departamento de Geografia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Publisher: Imprimerie officielle, Tunisia ISBN: 978-9938-9502-9-8
2017. Member of the editorial committee, interdisciplinary university publication with international reading committee, Horticulture, Landscape and Environment Research Unit, ISA-IRESA, University of Sousse, Tunisia. ISBN: 978-9938-9502-7-4. Imprimerie officielle de la Tunisie.
2015. Member of the editorial committee. Transdisciplinary academic book with international reading committee. Edited by Rejeb et al, UR2013 AGR06, ISAIRESA, University of Sousse. Tunisia. ISBN: 978-9938-9502-4-3. Imprimerie officielle de la Tunisie
2014. Member of the editorial committee.interdisciplinary work, Gobierno de España, Ministerio De Asuntos Exteriores Y De Cooperación and the Institut des régions arides, Mednine, Tunisia.
Urban and peri-urban land use management, spatial planning, local development, planning, mountain landscapes, adaptation to climate change, community development, agricultural economics, sustainability of places, spatial analysis, territorial policies, urban policies, urban planning, environment, habitat, biodiversity dynamics, ecology, anthropisation, physical geography, social geography,
Saadaoui, I. (2024). Investing in nature: Stakeholder’s willingness to pay for Tunisian forest services. New Medit 4 (2024). https://doi.org/10.30682/nm2404a
Saadaoui, I., Seddiki, N. 2022. Une agriculture multifonctionnelle dans le périurbain : quelle place et quelle gouvernance ?. Revue scientifique de l’institut supérieur des sciences humaines de Jendouba "Les cahiers de Friga". Volume2. PP122-143.
SAADAOUI, I., SEDDIKI, N. 2019. L’évaluation économique d’un patrimoine naturel : les montagnes de la Tunisie centrale et les enjeux de la société locale. Revue scientifique de l’institut supérieur des sciences humaines de Jendouba "Les cahiers de Friga". Volume 1. PP 66-81.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353357225
Saadaoui, I., Bryant, C. R., Rejeb, H., & Petrisor, A. I. (2018). Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness. Case study: the natural landscapes of central Tunisia. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, (2), 263-278.https://doi.org/10.2478/pesd-2018-0045
Islem Saadaoui, Ilahi Hayet, Christopher Robin Bryant, Rejeb Hichem.2017. DE L’INTERPRETATION A LA GESTION INTEGREE DES PAYSAGES RURAUX DES MONTAGNES DU CENTRE. https://hal.science/hal-04533181 / https://doi.org/10.4000/mediterranee.9619
Ilahi Hayet, Islem SAADAOUI, R-B Bryant, Rejeb Hichem.2017. De l’état des lieux aux paysages fondés sur la biodiversité des territoires agricoles à Kasserine. Paysages et nouvelles ruralités, 129, pp.147, 978-9938-9502-7-4. https://doi.org/10.4000/mediterranee.9619
Islem Saadaoui. 2016. Biosurveillance de la dynamique de la flore dans la forêt transfrontalière du CentreOuest tunisien : le cas des monts Bouchebka. I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions https://hal.science/hal-04461460/document
Islem Saadaoui, Ilahi Hayet, Christopher Robin Bryant, Rejeb Hichem.2015. Les enjeux de la multifonctionnalité de l'agriculture des montagnes. Organisation des agriculteurs et des systèmes agricoles dans les territoires urbains et périurbains, 978-9938-9502-5-0. https://hal.science/hal-04533086
Islem Saadaoui, Ilahi Hayet, Robin Bryant Christopher, Rejeb Hichem. 2014. Contribution to the study of the flora in the central-west of Tunisia: landscape dynamics and evaluation of plant biodiversity of mountain Bouchebka. IJIAS, 2014, 06 (2), pp. 257-268. hal-04532943. https://hal.science/hal-04532943
Ilahi, H., Saadaoui, I., Bryant, C. R., & Rejeb, H. (2014). Anthropized Agrarian Landscape in the Central-west of Tunisia: Attempts to Evaluate the Production’s Systems of Apples-trees Orchards in the Delegation of Sbiba. ABC Journal Of Advanced Research, 3(1), 34-43. https://doi.org/10.18034/abcjar.v3i1.30
SAADAOUI, I., ILAHI, H., et REJEB, H 2013. Mémoires de l’eau et les paysages de demain. Publisher: Ed., UR “HPE” ISAIRESA- Univ Sousse. Imp Moderne Sahloul.Pp148-162.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353321800
H Ilahi, I Saadaoui et H Rejeb., 2013. Les galeries d’eau dans la région Nord-occidentale de la Tunisie. Patrimoine hydraulique méditerranéen. Ed. ESTEPA. Université Valence, Espagne. Resp. J.P Hermosilla, ISBN 978-9938-9546-2-3. pp 237-241. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361904165