CNRS engineer in scientific calculation specialized in spatial modeling and simulation
DEA postgraduate diploma in artificial intelligence, shape recognition and applications, Paris 6 Pierre and Marie Curie University, 2003
2011 – ... : CNRS engineer in scientific calculation at ThéMA laboratory
2005–2011: Contractual engineer in application development at ThéMA laboratory
2004-2005: Project manager in a computer engineering service company
2000-2002: Developer at LIVE laboratory - UMR 7362 CNRS / Strasbourg University
Foltête, J.-C., Vuidel, G., Savary, P., Clauzel, C., Sahraoui, Y., Girardet, X., & Bourgeois, M. (2021). Graphab : An application for modeling and managing ecological habitat networks. Software Impacts, 8, 100065.
Savary, P., Foltête, J.-C., Moal, H., Vuidel, G., & Garnier, S. (2021). Analysing landscape effects on dispersal networks and gene flow with genetic graphs. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Youssoufi, S., Houot, H., Vuidel, G., Pujol, S., Mauny, F., & Foltête, J.-C. (2020). Combining visual and noise characteristics of a neighborhood environment to model residential satisfaction. Landscape and Urban Planning, 204, 103932.
Antoni, J.-P., Vuidel, G., Omrani, H., & Klein, O. (2019). Geographic Cellular Automata for Realistic Urban form Simulations : How Far Should the Constraint be Contained ? In L. D’Acci (Éd.), The Mathematics of Urban Morphology (p. 147‑162). Birkhäuser Basel.
Frankhauser, P., Tannier, C., Vuidel, G., & Houot, H. (2018). An integrated multifractal modelling to urban and regional planning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 67, 132‑146.
Sahraoui, Y., Vuidel, G., Joly, D., & Foltête, J.-C. (2018). Integrated GIS software for computing landscape visibility metrics. Transactions in GIS, 22(5), 1310‑1323.
Foltête, J.-C., & Vuidel, G. (2017). Using landscape graphs to delineate ecologically functional areas. Landscape Ecology, 32(2), 249‑263.
Antoni, J.-P., Lunardi, N., & Vuidel, G. (2016). Simuler les mobilités individuelles. Les enjeux de l’information géographique. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 26(2), 237‑262.
Tannier, C., Hirtzel, J., Stephenson, R., Couillet, A., Vuidel, G., & Youssoufi, S. (2016). Conception and use of an individual-based model of residential choice in a planning decision process. Feedback from an experimental trial in the city of Besançon, France. Progress in Planning, 108, 1‑38.
Caruso, G., Cavailhès, J., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (2015). Greener and larger neighbourhoods make cities more sustainable ! A 2D urban economics perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 82‑94.
Foltête, J.-C., Clauzel, C., & Vuidel, G. (2012). A software tool dedicated to the modelling of landscape networks. Environmental Modelling and Software, 38, 316‑327.
Tannier, C., Vuidel, G., Houot, H., & Frankhauser, P. (2012). Spatial accessibility to amenities in fractal and non fractal urban patterns. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39(5), 801‑819.
Antoni, J.-P., & Vuidel, G. (2010). MobiSim : Un modèle multi-agents et multi-scalaire pour simuler les mobilités urbaines. In J.-P. (Dir Antoni (Éd.), Modéliser la ville : Formes urbaines et politiques de transport (p. 50‑77). Economica, Méthodes et approches.
Caruso, G., Vuidel, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., & Thomas, I. (2011). Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl. Journal of Geographical Systems, 13(1), 31‑48.
Tannier, C., Thomas, I., Vuidel, G., & Frankhauser, P. (2011). A fractal approach to identifying urban boundaries. Geographical Analysis, 43(2), 211‑227.
Tannier, C., Vuidel, G., Frankhauser, P., & Houot, H. (2010). Simulation fractale d’urbanisation. MUP-city, un modèle multi-échelle pour localiser de nouvelles implantations résidentielles. Revue internationale de géomatique, 20(3), 303‑329