Anissa BELLIL

Temporary Teaching and Research Staff
+33 (0)3 81 66 51 72

My research focuses on understanding how the green and blue network (i.e. “Trame Verte et Bleue”), as a scientifically and politically constructed object, is integrated into planning and accounts for ecological connectivity. To do so, i study the representations of the green and blue network and its territorial translation by using spatial modelling and discourse analysis of stakeholders and planning documents. My long-term goal is to investigate the influence of socio-environmental dynamics on the integration of ecological connectivity into territorial planning.

Title of thesis: “From discourses to mapping green and blue network: the role of ecological connectivity in Territorial Coherence Schemes of the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region.“

Green and blue network; spatial modelling; landscape graphs; planning discourses; ecological connectivity; discourse analysis