The defense will take place at the Grand Salon, 18 rue Chifflet, Besançon down town. This work was co-directed by Serge Ormaux and Jacques Fontaine.
The defense will take place at the thesis room of the "Maison des Sciences de l’Homme" at the University of Burgundy, 14:30, 6 Esplanade Erasme at Dijon.
Thomas Buhler is invited under the initiative of laboratory Chôros and “PostCarWorld” research project.  
We have the pleasure to inform you that the new version of Graphab software (version 2.0) is available. This version can be downloaded from Graphab is a software application for modeling ecological networks using landscape graphs. Graphab 2.0 provides new features: · Grouping patches in meta-patches · Graph clustering by modularity index · Removing patches whose capacity is too low · Circuit theory on the graph : CF metric and distance matrix ·...
Marc Bourgeois is defending his PhD thesis "Ecological impacts of urban forms. Urban and landscape modelling." on December 11th 2015 in Besançon. The defense will take place at the Grand Salon, 18 rue Chifflet, Besançon down town. This work was co-directed by Jean-Christophe Foltête and Cécile Tannier.
The software application MUP-City, whichallows the user to simulate fractal residential development scenarios based on an existing urban pattern,can be download freely on the web site: Besides fractal rule for residential development, MUP-City includes nine other planning rules (access to shops and services, access to green and leisure facilities, proximity to the road network, non-fragmentation of built and non-built areas).The software application has...
The defense will take place at the salon Préclin, 18 rue Chifflet, University of Franche-Comté. This work was directed by Serge Ormaux.
The defense will take place at the salon Préclin, 18 rue Chifflet, University of Franche-Comté. This work was directed by Cécile Tannier, Philippe Gerber and Pierre Frankhauser.
Laboratory LIED (Paris VII) hosts a workshop on time scales and energy transitions. Thomas Buhler will present first outcomes from the research project TELEM. This project focuses on the monitoring of at-home energy consumptions and mobility practices of a large panel with WiFI/GPS technologies.
In this paper, we present an experimental trial involving the use of a complex spatial simulation platform to support a planning decision process in the city of Besançon (eastern France). The experimental trial began in October 2012. It involved two researchers in geography and planning from the University of Franche-Comté (Besançon, France) and two planning practitioners working in Besançon city council's planning service: the Department of Planning, Projects and Forward Planning. The first...