ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cecile_Tannier
2017: Accreditation to supervise research. Title of the manuscript: Analysis and simulation of the concentration and the dispersion of human settlements from local to regional scale. Multi-scale and trans-scale models. University of Franche-Comté (France).
2000 : Doctoral thesis in geography. Title of the manuscript: Retail trade locations in urban settings : better knowledge, through modelling, for better planning. University of Franche-Comté (France).
July 2015-August 2018. Research associate, Chrono-Environnement laboratory, Besançon (France).
October 2002-Jun 2015. Research associate, ThéMA laboratory, Besançon (France).
2012-2013. Extended mission at LIVE laboratory, Strasbourg (France).
2000-2002. Temporary teaching and research staff, geography department, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg (France).
1999. Research associate as part of an agreement between Daimler-Chrysler and University of Franche-Comté.
1995. Project officer with City of Besançon ’parks and gardens’ department.
1992-1995. Cartographer with the Association for Mapping and Surveying Franche-Comté.
1992. Project officer with Franche-Comté Regional Council.
CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) bronze medal in 2006 (section 39 ’Spaces, Territories, Societies’)
'Knowledge for mobility’ award (with P. Frankhauser, H. Houot and G. Vuidel) in 2008, PREDIT programme for research and innovation in transport (France).
Member of the office of the pole "Earth and Life Sciences, Territories, Environment, Food" (SV2TEA), University Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2019-2022).
Deputy scientific director of ThéMA Laboratory (2012-2015).
Member of scientific board of MSHE (Centre for Human and Environmental Sciences) CN Ledoux, Besançon (2012-2018).
Since 1998, contribution to more than 20, mostly interdisciplinary, specially funded research projects involving researchers in geography, architecture, computing, physics, biology, economics, psychology and archaeology.
Currently, participation in the projects REAUMUR (Ecological Reponses to Urban Morphologies), REFUGE (Ecological Networks, Urban Forms, and Gene Flows), and PubPrivLands (Public versus private lands: economic, social and environmental causes of different uses and management options): link.
MorphoLim: tool for determining the morphological limit of urban agglomerations by fractal logic.
Fractalopolis: multifractal urban and regional planning. Fractalopolis is dedicated to designing multifractal development plans.
MUP-City: multi-scale urban planning for a sustainable city. MUP-City can be used to create fractal residential development scenarios integrating constraints of accessibility to shops, services, open spaces and public transports.
ArtiScales: spatial simulation platform that supports the integration of regional planning policies and local design rules.
MobiSim: agent-based LUTI simulation platform for geographical analysis of daily and residential mobility dynamics.
SimFeodal: agent-based modelling to explore the combined effects of social and demographic changes on the evolution of regional rural settlement patterns during the Middle Ages (A.D. 800 to 1100).
Fractalyse: areal and linear fractal measurement software.
GenFrac: generation of fractal figures based on Iterated Function Systems (IFS).