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MobiSim Population Synthesizer

The MobiSim Population Synthesizer is a model and software for generating a synthetic population. A synthetic population is an artificial population composed of individuals associated with individual characteristics (level n) and constructed from the data known at the aggregated level (n+1) of the census. The advantage is then that social characteristics can be correctly analyzed at a fine scale while personal data remain anonymous and confidential. 


The MobiSim Population Synthesizer assumes the compatibility of the method with aggregated demographic data and precise geographic information but also a relevant linkage between the characteristics of the households (and the associated individuals) and the characteristics of the spatial dimension of the city's residential structure (housing and buildings). It is part of the MobiSim project developed by G. Vuidel and J.P. Antoni.



MobiSim's best friends


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MorphoLim is dedicated to the identification of the morphological boundary of urban agglomerations. The method used avoids the need for any pre-defined maximum distance threshold between buildings. It is based on the conceptual and methodological tools of fractal geometry.


Logo MupCity


MUP-City is a computer application for identifying places where urbanization would be possible in accordance with a principle of fractal urbanization. It allows the user to simulate residential development scenarios based on an existing urban pattern. Additional planning rules introduce constraints on access to shops and services, natural and leisure facilities, and a constraint on proximity to the existing road network. MUP-City applies to European cities of 100 000 – 1 000 000 inhabitants.


Logo LucSim


LucSim is a cellular automata model dedicated to geographical analysis and simulation for researchers and advanced planning institutes. The goal of the project is to provide a user-friendly software in order to analyze and simulate land use changes and spatial dynamics. It is currently being developed from the basis of the CWS/Camdeus project, in collusion with the MobiSim LUTI project, to provide a suit of simulation tools for decision making in urban and land planning.