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Girardet, X., Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Vuidel G., 2016. Restauration de la connectivité écologique : proposition méthodologique pour une localisation optimisée des passages à faune. Vertigo, [En ligne], Hors-série 24.
Clauzel C., Bannwarth C., Foltête J.C., 2015. Integrating regional-scale connectivity in habitat restoration: An application for amphibian conservation in eastern France. Journal for Nature Conservation, 23: 98-107.
Clauzel C., Xiqing D., Gongsheng W., Giraudoux P., Li L., 2015. Assessing the impact of road developments on connectivity across multiple scales: Application to Yunnan snub-nosed monkey conservation. Biological Conservation, 192: 207-217.
Girardet X., Conruyt-Rogeon G., Foltête J.C., 2015. Does regional landscape connectivity influence the location of roe deer roadkill hotspots? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 61: 731-742.
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Foltête J.C., Girardet X., Clauzel C., 2014. A methodological framework for the use of landscape graphs in land-use planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 124: 140-150.
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Serret H., Raymond R., Foltête J.C., Clergeau P., Simon L., Machon N., 2014. Potential contributions of green spaces at business sites to the ecological network in an urban agglomeration: The case of the Ile-de-France region, France. Landscape and Urban Planning, 131: 27-35.
Clauzel C., Girardet X., Foltête J.C., 2013. Impact assessment of a high-speed railway line on species distribution: Application to the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) in Franche-Comté. Journal of Environmental Management, 127: 125-134.
Girardet X., Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., 2013. Designing a graph-based approach in landscape ecological assessment of linear infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 42: 10-17.
Tournant P., Afonso E., Roué S., Giraudoux P., Foltête J.C., 2013. Evaluating the effect of habitat connectivity on the distribution of lesser horseshoe bat maternity roosts using landscape graphs. Biological Conservation, 164: 39-49.
Foltête J.C., Girardet X., Clauzel C., Tournant P., Vuidel G., Bannwarth C., Roué S., Afonso E., Giraudoux P., 2013. Estimer l’impact des grandes infrastructures de transport sur la distribution des espèces : proposition et test d’un protocole méthodologique, in Luginbühl Y. (dir.), Infrastructures de transport terrestres, écosystèmes et paysages, des liaisons dangereuses ? La documentation française, Paris, 201-218.
Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Vuidel G., Tournant P., 2012. Integrating graph-based connectivity metrics into species distribution models. Landscape Ecology, 27: 1-13.
Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Vuidel G., 2012. A software tool dedicated to the modelling of landscape networks. Environmental Modelling & Software, 38: 316-327.
Foltête J.C., Giraudoux P., 2012. A graph-based approach to investigating the influence of the landscape on population spread processes. Ecological Indicators, 18: 684-692.
Tannier C., Foltête J.C., Girardet X., 2012. Assessing the capacity of different urban forms to preserve the connectivity of ecological habitats. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105: 128-139.
Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Girardet X., Tournant P., Vuidel G., 2012. La modélisation des réseaux écologiques par les graphes paysagers. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 22(4), 641-658.