Fractalyse is a software application for the fractal analysis of 2D patterns. This version 3 of Fractalyse has been written in Java language. Fractalyse runs on any computer supporting Java Virtual Machine. It can be used to compute fractal dimension of bitmap images (raster), vector images and networks.
Fractalyse is developped by Gilles Vuidel in the frame of research activities of Pierre Frankhauser and Cécile Tannier at ThéMA laboratory (Besançon, France).
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Fractalyse is an open source software distributed under GPL licence. The application is a .jar software developed in Java language and necessitates the installation of Java 8 at least to be executed on any operating system (Linux, Mac OS or MS Windows).
Fractalyse is licenced under GPL and the source code can be downloaded from the sourcesup git repository:
git clone
Sidqi Y., Thomas I., Frankhauser P., Retière N. (2019). Comparing fractal indices of electric networks to roads and buildings: The case of Grenoble (France). Physica A 531 121774
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Tannier C., Thomas I. (2013). Defining and characterizing urban boundaries: A fractal analysis of theoretical cities and Belgian cities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol. 41, pp. 234-248.
Thomas I., Frankhauser P., Badariotti D. (2012). Comparing the fractality of European urban neighbourhoods: do national contexts matter? Journal of Geographical Systems, 14, pp. 189-208.
Thomas I., Frankhauser P., Frenay B., Verleysen M. (2010). Clustering patterns of urban built-up areas with curves of fractal scaling behaviour. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37, pp. 942-954.
Thomas I., Tannier C., Frankhauser P. (2008). Is there a link between fractal dimensions and other indicators of the built-up environment at a regional level. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 413, 24 p.
Thomas I., Frankhauser P., Biernacki C. (2008). The Morphology of Built-Up Landscapes in Wallonia (Belgium): A Classification Using Fractal Indices. Landscape and Urban Planning, 84, pp. 99-115.
Thomas I., Frankhauser P., De Keersmaecker M. (2007). Fractal Dimension versus Density of the Built-up Surfaces in the Periphery of Brussels. Papers in Regional Science, 86(2), pp. 287-307.
Tannier C., Pumain D. (2005). Fractals in urban geography: a general outline and an empirical example. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 307, 22 p.
Frankhauser P. (1994). La fractalité des structures urbaines. Anthropos, Paris.
About the model and the results
About the software application and its use